Tata Letak Blog

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Cassava benefits for health

Cassava is native to Brazil and Paraguay, which is the staple food in Indonesia and Thailand, as well as some countries in the African continent.
Most people of Indonesia is certainly very familiar with cassava, let alone to live in the countryside, will often encounter this cassava along with trees or plants.

Cassava is a food that enters the category of tubers. Where cassava tubers often called timber.
In addition, cassava starch which contains 2 times more folding a lot of potatoes, so it is not uncommon cassava is consumed as a staple food to substitute for rice.

A mistake, that there are some people still think that cassava is a food village, even considered to have no nutritional value ...

The fact the health experts who examined cassava, cassava states included in a group of highly nutritious foods.

• Digestion
Cassava has a lot of content Insoluble fiber, or fiber is not soluble in water. The benefits of this type of fiber to expedite the process of defecation, as well as to absorb and  remove toxins in the intestine, so that digestive health can be maintained properly.
The body can avoid the problem of digestive disorders like constipation (BAB), hemorrhoids, flatulence and constipation.

Energy sources

The content in cassava starch are 2 times more than potatoes .... so, cassava could serve as food energy booster, because it constitutes a source of complex carbohydrates. And not infrequently some regions in Indonesia, there is consumption of cassava as a staple food daily.

• Overcoming headaches
You can use cassava leaves to treat headaches ... How, with a compress using cassava leaves. Take a few pieces of cassava leaf. After the mash until smooth. Then kompreskan on the body ache.

• Good for low-fat diet
Although cassava in which there is a high carbohydrate content, but cassava including low-fat foods and low in cholesterol, so it is good to eat.
Cassava consumption is very suitable for you who are low-fat diet.
But keep dinggat, for the low-fat diet, the better the consumption of cassava that has been boiled.

• Prevents anemia
The content of minerals and iron that is in helpful cassava assist in the formation of red blood cells ...
The benefit of the body becomes avoid the problem of anemia (lack of blood problems).

• Good for diabetics
Diabetics are encouraged to consume more cassava than rice.
Because cassava does not contain high sugar content, which makes it safe for diabetics.

• Treating diarrhea

Cassava leaves is useful for treating diarrhea. The trick, first clean cassava leaves.
Then boiled cassava leaves in water 900 cc, then wait for the water to stay half or 450 cc.
Then strain the cassava leaves, place it in two places, ie half for first place, half in second place.
Then drink 2 times a day ie morning and afternoon.

• Feeding the brain
In several studies that have been done, mention that in cassava leaves are amino acids necessary.
Amino acids are useful to help convert carbohydrates into energy, helps restore the skin, strengthen bones, and maintain the ability of memory.

• Drugs for festering wounds and burns
To resolve the festering wounds, then prepare fresh cassava stems are crushed, after it was pinned to the body ache.
To overcome the wounds caused by scratching, how to prepare cassava grated, then affixed to the body of the sick, and then bandage.
The wounds exposed to heat, how to cope with preparing cassava grated and squeezed.
After that, allow the water a few moments until the starch settles. Then the starch is applied to the sick body.
• Overcoming Arthritis
How to overcome remarik this time there are two methods, namely from the outside and from the inside.
For external use, then prepare five pieces of cassava leaf, 15 grams of red ginger and whiting to taste, then puree and add enough water.
After stirring menjdi concoction like that, then apply to the sick body.
To use from within, prepare 100 grams of cassava stems, one stalk lemongrass, and 15 grams of ginger boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc water.
After that strain, and then drink the water as much as 200 cc only (not an exaggeration).
Do this twice a day, morning and evening.

• Assist the regeneration of cells
The content of essential amino acids contained in cassava, efficacious for mergenerasi cells in the body ....
Which helps improve the body's cells are damaged, so that later can function properly again.

• Increase the metabolic system
In cassava contained vitamin B which is believed to increase the body's metabolic system.
In addition, there is also the content of essential amino acids and fiber which is useful as a source of energy for the human body in living their daily activities.

• Smooth circulation of blood
The content of antioxidants and amino acids in cassava leaves is also beneficial for blood circulation which carries oxygen, to be circulated to all tubuh.Sehingga the smooth blood circulation, is useful so that the organs can function properly.

• Counteract Free Radicals
Cassava leaves are antioxidant content, as is the case in most types of nutritious vegetables ... Antioxidants counteract free radicals caused by the body's exposure to excessive sunlight. Thus consuming cassava leaves useful to protect skin health, such as preventing the body for skin cancer.

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